The Acoustic Corer™ (AC) creates a high-resolution 14 m wide core penetrating the sub-seabed to depths exceeding 50 meters (dependent on lithology). The AC provides a 3D image of stratigraphy layers and anomalies across the entire foundation footprint. It bridges the technology gap between cone penetrometer tests and narrow-focused boreholes, eliminating subjectivity from those localized data sets. The AC delivers a unique value to the clients like no other survey equipment on the market.
The rise of offshore windfarms in complex seabeds has led to increased levels of risk during foundation installation. The AC mitigates risk to pile driving by identifying geohazards pre-installation providing confidence in foundation design and placement. The AC provides risk mitigation solutions for:

Foundation locations
Jack-up punch through
Infrastructure decommissioning
Geotechnical ambiguity
Sample Data
Kraken’s Acoustic Corer™ is a subsea surveying technology that interrogates the sub-seabed to optimize offshore installation programs. The Acoustic Corer fills the gap between current geophysical and geotechnical site investigation methods by providing an acoustic core 14 meters in diameter, exceeding 50 meters in depth (dependent on lithology) sub-seabed.
Key global markets that use and benefit from this technology and Kraken’s expertise are renewable energy with offshore wind farms, where the survey data generated provides a unique, market-leading resolution sub-seabed image, reducing the risk of pile refusals and enabling accurate and cost-effective foundation design.